Thursday, June 23, 2011

Adoption Conference Update

After the Zeway pastors, elders and wives came home from the Addis Seed Adoption Conference just over 3 weeks ago, they shared with Matt and John that they wanted to share what they learned about adoption and orphan care with their congregations.

They were eager to get started so they have set the dates of July 15 and 16 to have a local adoption conference in Zeway. THIS is fantastic!

Please be in prayer the weeks before and following July 15 and 16.
  • That the pastors would present a biblical based view of adoption and orphan care
  • That this biblical view would transcend any cultural biases
  • That families would be moved to care for the orphans in Zeway and even adopt them into forever families
  • That the orphans would be prepared for this!
  • For all the details to come together for transportation, facilities, schedule etc.
Thank you for praying! This is exciting times in Zeway!

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