How to Help

Make a monthly pledge: $50  a month can go toward provide food, healthcare, school supplies, clothing and shelter for one orphan.
$50 is suggested, but any amount will be appreciated.

One-time donations:  The Zeway Partnership provides a wholistic approach to caring for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of orphans.  Your donation goes toward providing food, clothing, healthcare, shelter, training for the social workers on grief and loss and training for the churches on orphan care and adopting the orphans.  The community is also served through this partnership with the refurbishing and funding libraries, schools and higher education and vocational training.

Please go to the Food for the Hungry website to donate or you can send checks to Grace Covenant Church, 9508 Jollyville Road, Ste 200, Austin, Texas 78759. Please write on the memo line "Zeway"

  • Post a blog story.  If you have been moved and changed by the Zeway Partnership, let us know!  We'd love to post your story of how God has changed you by praying for and caring for orphans.
  •  We need Storytellers!  Email us and we'll send you 20 brochures so that you can share with your small group, co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors.  We need people to tell the stories of the Zeway orphans to others.  This is a community-to-community partnership, so OUR communities are needed to help THEIR communities.  This is a fantastic way to serve alongside people you know by caring and praying for the most vulnerable children in the world.
  • Distributing thank yous and t-shirts.  In July 2011, we'll be doing a mass mailing. We need help stuffing and sealing and mailing prayer booklets.  Let us know if you can help!
If you are interested, please email Julie

Making a Photo Page for the Zeway Orphans
The orphans of Zeway would love to hear from you! They love to see photos and build relationships. Let them know who you are and that you are praying for them! Because of the difficulty of translation in letter writing, we ask that you follow these guidelines in creating a photo page for the Zeway orphans.

1.Please limit the writing on your pages to these phrases:

•God loves you.
•We love you and we are praying for you!
•God can give your life a future and a hope.
•Jesus loves you

2. Include as many photos and artwork that you want. Please include your name and family.

3. You can make your photo page for a specific orphan, or do not address it to anyone, and we’ll give it to a child who has not received any. You can paste a photo of the child or write his/her name on the back of the paper.

4.Use a 8 1/2x11 sheet of paper (cardstock preferred)

5. Take them to Grace Covenant Church in Austin (atten: Ofelia)
