Tuesday, May 31, 2011

News from Matt and John

Today was the first day of the Seed Adoption Conference in Addis Ababa. Matt and John were in attendance along with over 150 pastors and wives from Ethiopia. There were 44 people from Zeway at the conference!

Matt reports that it is amazing to see the teaching of orphan and adoption care in Addis. Here are a couple highlights that he reported:
  • The speakers have not shied away from being very direct about who is called to care for orphans.
  • The speakers have been extremely knowledgeable, professional,and influential in the community including a member of parliament from the Ethiopian government.
  • There have been breakout sessions including the psychological challenges of children who have had difficult and traumatic pasts
  • One speaker was very direct in speaking to the men about the importance of their involvement as fathers
The conference was a full 9 hours with little time to talk with the Zeway pastors Matt said. They did have a special time of greeting as representatives of our church are very welcomed by the Zeway pastors. The conference will be all day Wednesday, and then Matt and John will travel to Zeway on Thursday where they will have a full day to debrief with them.

Please pray for continued strength and energy for everyone.
Please pray that God would move in the hearts of the Zeway pastors to care for the children with compassion and grace.

It was a great day for Matt and John and exciting to see God moving

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